Cheat Harvest Moon Ps2
What the Townspeople Like
Here's a list of what the various townpeople really enjoy. Give them these presents in order to get on their good side:
Ronald the Supermarket Owner: Cake
Parsley the Plant Hunter: Herb Tea
Lyla the Flower Shop Owner: Pink Cat Flowers/Blueberries
Wallace the Cafe Owner: Tea/Fish
Bob, owner of Brownie Farm: Sweets
Joe the Carpenter: Fish
Katie the Cafe Waitress: Cookies/Cheese
Louis the Tool Shop Owner: Eggs
Tim, Bob's little brother: Eggs/Cake/Tea
Gina, the Maid's daughter: Fish/Eggs
Dia, Clove Villa daughter: Blueberries
Kurt the Carpenter: Tomatoes
Martha the Clove Villa Maid: Cheese
Parsley the Plant Hunter: Herb Tea
Lyla the Flower Shop Owner: Pink Cat Flowers/Blueberries
Wallace the Cafe Owner: Tea/Fish
Bob, owner of Brownie Farm: Sweets
Joe the Carpenter: Fish
Katie the Cafe Waitress: Cookies/Cheese
Louis the Tool Shop Owner: Eggs
Tim, Bob's little brother: Eggs/Cake/Tea
Gina, the Maid's daughter: Fish/Eggs
Dia, Clove Villa daughter: Blueberries
Kurt the Carpenter: Tomatoes
Martha the Clove Villa Maid: Cheese
Birthday List
It's important to give townspeople greetings and gifts on their birthday, to get in their good graces. Here's a list of all of the birthdays in town:
Ronald the Supermarket Owner: Spring 11
Wallace the Cafe Owner: Summer 1
Katie the Cafe Waitress: Fall 29
Louis the Tool Shop Owner: Fall 2
Lyla the Flower Shop Owner (and cutest girl in town): Spring 27
Parsley the Plant Hunter: Spring 16
Bob, owner of Brownie Farm: Summer 1
Tim, Bob's little brother (the treasure hunter): Fall 12
Gwen, the Carpenter's daughter: Summer 8
Martha the Clove Villa Maid: Winter 25
Gina, the Maid's daughter: Fall ...
Wallace the Cafe Owner: Summer 1
Katie the Cafe Waitress: Fall 29
Louis the Tool Shop Owner: Fall 2
Lyla the Flower Shop Owner (and cutest girl in town): Spring 27
Parsley the Plant Hunter: Spring 16
Bob, owner of Brownie Farm: Summer 1
Tim, Bob's little brother (the treasure hunter): Fall 12
Gwen, the Carpenter's daughter: Summer 8
Martha the Clove Villa Maid: Winter 25
Gina, the Maid's daughter: Fall ...
How to Train Your Dog
Once you get a dog to stay on your farm, you'll have to train him with the Flute, once you get it. To do so select the Flute, press X, then use the following button presses in order to get him to do what you wish:
Drive animals: RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
Sit up: DOWN, UP, UP
Drive animals: RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
Sit up: DOWN, UP, UP
How to Get the Dog
When you begin the game, you'll notice several stray dogs wandering around. If you approach them, they'll run away. To woo a dog to your yard, keep putting food in his bowl. Anything will do: grass, eggs, berries. When you place these foods in the bowl, they immediately turn into doggie mush. After a while, you will notice the dog appearing at your farm more and more. Keep trying to pick up the dog (X). At some point, he will let you pick him up, and he will be yours!
Event Triggers
To trigger an event you must befriend these people:
Treasure Hunt 1: You must befriend Tim.
Treasure Hunt 2: Same as number one.
Cake Contest: Befriend Katie.
A fishy Story: Befriend Joe.
The Bluebird: Befriend Louis.
The Azure Swallowtail: Befriend Lyla and Kurt.
The Goddess Dress: Befriend Gina and Dia.
The endangered Weasel: Befriend Gwen.
The Horse Race: Befriend Bob and Gwen.
Treasure Hunt 1: You must befriend Tim.
Treasure Hunt 2: Same as number one.
Cake Contest: Befriend Katie.
A fishy Story: Befriend Joe.
The Bluebird: Befriend Louis.
The Azure Swallowtail: Befriend Lyla and Kurt.
The Goddess Dress: Befriend Gina and Dia.
The endangered Weasel: Befriend Gwen.
The Horse Race: Befriend Bob and Gwen.
Cheap Chickens
To get chickens at the very beginning of the game for almost no money at all, go to the supermarket that you can see when you leave the farm. Go in there and buy an egg for $50. Put that egg in the incubator in your chicken coop and in a few days you will have a little chick! Then it will turn into a chicken and you can get eggs for free.
Assalamualaikum ... Tolong komen ane di approve gan ! hehe, numpang cari backlink. Gimana keluarga semua di rumah ? Sehat ?
Ijin titip Link ya gan, Mohon komentar ane jangan dihapus ... :)
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